The Blanca Professional Services Podcast

Funes& Co, LLC presents The Blanca Professional Services Podcast. I am hoping to provide value to your life by sharing ideas on financial services and investing strategies in real estate investing and other topics that might help you build your own financial legacy. My goal is to expose you to new business ideas that can transform your life, and bring financial independence as well. Please note: Any suggestions/comments in this podcast is/are informative and should not be considered Legal Advise. I always recommend that you check/verify with your own financial planner, financial advisor, tax preparer and/or any other expert in the field/investing area you want to participate in. This podcast is intended to build our community up and to bring resources to you - our Public. Thanks again for your support, and referrals. I love to hear from you and any ideas you want us to incorporate into the program. Bienvenidos a este canal de Podcast, la empresa Funes & Co funcionando como Blanca Professional Services desea traer recursos para que usted y su familia puedan aprender acerca de diferentes recursos financieros y de bienes raices que le pueden ayudar a construir un legado para su familia, y su libertad financiera. Cualquier sugerencia en este podcast no es una recomendacion Legal or Consejo Legal - Usted debe siempre consultar su experto legal, fianciero u otros expertos en el area que desea invertir. Gracias por su participacion y esperamos sus comentarios y sugerencias para hacer este programa mejor.

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Saturday Feb 11, 2023

Do you want to learn about how you can maximize your IRA savings to work for you? Do you want to become a real estate investor using your own money? can you do this legally? Our guest speaker Paul D. Thompson spoke about how the more affluent people use money to their advantage, and how you can too? 
Disclaimer: All the webinars/podcasts opinions, suggestions, ideas are all shared with you as educational resources.  Please consult your team of advisors and trusted sources for your investment needs. 
All Rights Reserved by each party (speakers and hosts). 

About Funes & Co - What we do?

Wednesday Jan 25, 2023

Wednesday Jan 25, 2023

visit us online
follow us on social media channels
Call: 800-637-5833
All Rights are Reserved

Tuesday Jan 17, 2023

In this episode you will learn about: how money works? how to make money work for you and your family? how to become your own bank? how to pay yourself first? 
If you need help setting up a financial plan, you can schedule your free consultation with us or Call 800-637-5833 or Sal Sofia at (561) 459-0222.

Wednesday Nov 09, 2022

Today, we have Mario Manzanilla from Rate One Financial in the studio with us.  What are reversed mortgages? Who qualifies for them? How do they work? Mario will explain us everything in this podcast.  If you have a specific question email Mario at so he can get in touch with you and run your personal scenario.  Hope you like this program.  Tell your friends about it and share with others. 
Mario Manzanilla
Rate One Financial
626 755-9506 Mobile
NMLS 339004

Invertir en Materias Primas

Thursday Nov 03, 2022

Thursday Nov 03, 2022

Libro: The Little Book of Commodity Investing by: John Stephenson 
Foreword by: John Mauldin, Best Selling Author of Bull's Eye Investing. 
Espero todos consigan este libro, yo tengo la version en Ingles, pero estoy segura que lo pueden conseguir en Espanol.  Y si no, entonces Usen Google Translate para poder leerlo. 
Si no lo encuentran en Espanol, dejenme saber, Y asi hago un podcast leyendolo todo. Escribame a 

La Politica y Mi Fe

Tuesday Nov 01, 2022

Tuesday Nov 01, 2022

Sabemos que muchas personas de Fe se preguntan si deben participar o correr para cargos politicos de su Pais, de su Condado, de su Estado, de Su Ciudad.  Aqui les dejo una reflecion para que piensen en esto.  No estamos indicando como debe votar pero le Instamos a que Estudie a todos los candidatos politicos y que elija los mejores. 

Thursday Oct 27, 2022

Hoy invitamos a David Gomez de Pacific Coast Title Insurance quien es Asistente Ejecutivo de la compania.  David nos hablara acerca de Seguros de Titulo de Propiedad y porque es necesario cuando compramos o refinanciamos una casa.  Espero les guste la charla de hoy y aprendan un poco mas de estos temas.  Si desean comunicarse con David Gomez (562) 619-6062, si tienen preguntas especificas o desean ayudan.  Gracias a todos nuestros escuchas. 

Thursday Oct 27, 2022

We invited David Gomez, Senior Account Executive at Pacific Coast Title to share with us his knowledge re: Title Insurance.  If you have questions, please feel free to reach out to him at 562-619-6062.  Remember: We do not provide legal advice.  Always have your team of advisors to help you.  

Sunday Sep 25, 2022

Siempre pregunte, investigue y haga su tarea cuando invierta. Es bueno para usted si inverte en esto o lo otro? Mantenga agua, comida y dinero en efectivo todo el tiempo por cualquier emergencia. 

Sunday Sep 25, 2022

Always be prepared and think for yourself. Never let anyone convinced you that things are good and dandy when all the signs shows you otherwise. 
Don't panic, just think logically, and create your exit plan. 

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